Friday, January 23, 2009

What is more fascinating??

Breaking codes, analyzing protocols...... feels like soon you gonna become one of those code breaking geeks. Li Gong, Ricardo Corin et al inspires you to work in this area of Alice and Bob. Applying newly learned algorithm on the never understood(atleast I hardly understood the biological complexities) biological problems, and getting amazed by helping biologists with your simple applications on their problems. These was the phase when I was cofused which field is more interesting to work on. One field where, now even Shamir would have found it difficult to make a giant leap. And the other where biologists are astonished by the progress made by a newbie. One where you can visualize the things working and other where you find it difficult the terms to sink in. Both were dragging me into there own pool of research and then came the third area that drove me crazzzzzzzzzzy. It was modern graphics architecture.

Now I feel how do one decide, which area to work on when you have so many options and so many interests to work on? When do one say Gosh!!! This is the field I had always wanted to work on. I still can't say which is more fascinating out of all 3 - graphic architecture, cryptography or bioinformatics. Only one thing I know for sure that for the rest 1.5 years I am gonna work on modern graphics architecture and I know I am gonna fall in love with it. And I wish there would be a day when I will say .... Yes! this was the field I always wanted to work on.