Saturday, March 7, 2009

Mac Vs Linux

Until this post I use to feel whatever Macintosh does is a benchmark for all GUI lovers. But then I came across this website comparing Mac with Linux, and revealing things that Linux does better than Mac. I personally haven't used Mac much and I am pure linux freak, but still had a tremendous respect for Macintosh even I don't appreciate there policy of closed source. Because what they claim(UI), they do it best. Well, this GOD like respect came down a bit after reading this which every linux freak should read. It acted as an eye opener to me. Probabaly will do the same for many of you too.

Many more posts to come in near future on linux. So linux freaks keep checking....


P.S. : Those who don't know Copyleft, must know and google it around to find it out. Don't expect me to spoon feed you. :P


Sourabh Daptardar said...

Is Mac closed source ?
This is what wikipedia says:


The Mac OS can be divided into two families of operating systems:

* "Classic" Mac OS, the system which shipped with the first Macintosh in 1984 and its descendants, culminating with Mac OS 9.
* The newer Mac OS X (where the X is 10 written as a Roman numeral). Mac OS X incorporates elements of OpenStep (thus also BSD Unix and Mach) and Mac OS 9. Its low-level BSD-based foundation, Darwin, is free software/open source software.


Fancy GUIs do not offer extra functionality to a power user.
As far as naive users are concerned, its a myth that Linux does not have good GUIs. Have a look at:,139023769,339294810,00.htm

Rachit said...

@Saruabh: Well actually I meant Its not free.

And regarding GUIs. I totally agree with you that fancy GUIs are not for power users and Linux does gives very good GUIs. But Mac UIs are better than KDE.

But at the end its not about who is better. Its just who does what in a better way. And overall LINUX is always at the top. :)

Sourabh Daptardar said...

As it said : "free" as in "free speech," not as in "free beer."

Rachit said...

@saurabh... I didn't know about these terms. Thanks for that :) ... but does freedom2 and freedom3(as mentioned gnu site) actually there with Mac?