Sunday, May 13, 2007


........ One who fails to plan, plans to fail..... isn't it correct?? How many time you have wondered that you could have done this task better if you would have planned it before hand? And how many times you have wondered that if you would have sticked to your plan you have done more better.......
Some don't even plan and some do plan but fail to keep up to the plan...... I am one of those who fail to stick to the plan? I haven't come across a single person in my life whose everyday is planned and he sticks to that......... is it really that difficult?? Yes, i do think so..... have felt it many a times...
First of all it's very difficult to plan out ur day during the semester because u never know which professor going to surprise you with any assignment, lab work or any project.... and even if you plan you won't be able to stick to it.... and finally u will leave it to the next day...... bcoz u always feel tomorrow is always there to start ..... will start it fresh.....
Don't you?? i have done it many a times...... when i am totally screwed up in keeping up with the assignments and projects i feel chuck all the plan and will follow it from tomorrow.... wake up with new spirit next day but again same story...... it goes on for couple of days.... then i decide better leave it till my exams are over will follow the plan after my insem exams are over ....... exams gets over..... highly excited.... do watch couple of movies and get to bed late...... that means get up late next morning.... and then comes ur abstinence to stick to the plan.... new plans in the brain... will start from tomorrow... there is always a tomorrow waiting..... it goes on till next exam approaches and the same old story until the semester is over.... Finally after everything is over and i am totally free.... decides to make new plan and will follow it sincerely... goes well for couple of days... and then my routine gets aberrant and starts counting on next day for it...... It goes on ever and ever and tomorrow never comes.........

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