Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Life is not easy, it's tough................. is it? Or it's just the way you take your life? I don't know, i really don't know. Have heard from many that life is tough and i have felt the same many a times too. At the same time have heard many people that it's easy it just depends how you take your life. Hmm... i agree with that sometimes. So, now you see I don't know how to take it. Sometimes its tough and sometimes its easy.

But, if you will actually realize life is not easy. It's just a rat race. Everyone in this world is running after something or other. We all are running in a race. Some are running for money, some for success, some for love, some for fame and what not. These days i am running for the success in my education life and having a successful life and may be then may be i will run for the job, money, family and all. Is it not same for all? Are we all not running a rat race? Are we all not striving for success, fame, love, family, happiness? You accept it or not, we are.

Where are we heading to? What we finally want to achieve? wooooooo..... I am getting too philosophical now. Sorry can't help it. I am bit philosophical. Bear with me. Well i have thought on these questions many a times but then after couple of long hours of mind boggling thinking I quit. Actually i don't quit but do decide many thing to do. But then when i come out of my thinking into this bloody bad world and get back into my routine work. I don't get to do the things i have decided to do. Haven't you all not felt the same way? I am sure, you all must have. Even though we think over these questions but once we get back to our routine work everything is back to square one in couple of days. Same old story, same old race. We all start running again. It is something like you are a driver of a Formul1 car with and endless Race Track. And during this race you get into pit for sometime and then back to the track. Well, don't know whether i will win or not in this race but i will keep on running. At present running in the track of GRE. And i am sure there is another track to race on after that. And we all have one all time. So why are you wasting your time reading this crap :P speed up else you will loose. All The Best.....

Go Cabby ....... Win the Race..... ;)


hemant said...

The question where we are heading to also destablize me and my peace regularly. And not only me, many of my friends, with whom I have discussed this issue, also try to find answer to this one hitherto unexplored mystery - where we are heading to and whats the meaning of everything around us, this race and its racers but at the end of the day, as being a monk is not easy, one has to return to this artificial system, which I suppose it just a delusion.

The iorny is that each one of us feels that the world is an illusion and wants and thinks over meaning and purpose of one's existence but yet it is made impossible by the same world around us endevouring to keep its own secret clandestine. :)

Does it not seem so ?

Rachit said...

I agree with you to some extent but i am not asking anyone to become a monk. The only threat i am posing out here is that we all are just giving our most efforts in keeping pace with the world despite of it being wrong. Though what u said is also correct.

niteshjain said...

thanx dude for the suggestion........

Sai Deep said...

All this assumes life has a "meaning". Why should it? Why can't it just be a random thing that happened in the universe with no meaning whatsoever? And maybe the way we are living is because it is one of ways we can exist without killing each other and becoming extinct?

If the world has no secrets, trying to find them is quite useless, don't you think?