Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Life is not easy, it's tough................. is it? Or it's just the way you take your life? I don't know, i really don't know. Have heard from many that life is tough and i have felt the same many a times too. At the same time have heard many people that it's easy it just depends how you take your life. Hmm... i agree with that sometimes. So, now you see I don't know how to take it. Sometimes its tough and sometimes its easy.

But, if you will actually realize life is not easy. It's just a rat race. Everyone in this world is running after something or other. We all are running in a race. Some are running for money, some for success, some for love, some for fame and what not. These days i am running for the success in my education life and having a successful life and may be then may be i will run for the job, money, family and all. Is it not same for all? Are we all not running a rat race? Are we all not striving for success, fame, love, family, happiness? You accept it or not, we are.

Where are we heading to? What we finally want to achieve? wooooooo..... I am getting too philosophical now. Sorry can't help it. I am bit philosophical. Bear with me. Well i have thought on these questions many a times but then after couple of long hours of mind boggling thinking I quit. Actually i don't quit but do decide many thing to do. But then when i come out of my thinking into this bloody bad world and get back into my routine work. I don't get to do the things i have decided to do. Haven't you all not felt the same way? I am sure, you all must have. Even though we think over these questions but once we get back to our routine work everything is back to square one in couple of days. Same old story, same old race. We all start running again. It is something like you are a driver of a Formul1 car with and endless Race Track. And during this race you get into pit for sometime and then back to the track. Well, don't know whether i will win or not in this race but i will keep on running. At present running in the track of GRE. And i am sure there is another track to race on after that. And we all have one all time. So why are you wasting your time reading this crap :P speed up else you will loose. All The Best.....

Go Cabby ....... Win the Race..... ;)

Thursday, May 17, 2007

PHI... A ratio found everywhere

PHI Φ, the Golden Ratio (or Golden Number), a ratio that could be found everywhere. This is also known as Divine Proportion. I didn't know this until i read the book The Da Vinci Code. I got mesmerized when i was reading about it. Got to know many interesting stuff.

Well, the value of PHI, Φ is : 1·61803 39887 49894 84820 45868 34365 63811 77203 09179 80576 or (√5 + 1)/2, which a rational number and the value of this has been calculated till 20000 places but in general its value is taken as 1.618.

Easiest number to get the square.

Square of phi is just adding 1 to it. Φ² = Φ + 1. Isn't it easy? and Isn't it amazing?

Fibonacci Series and Golden Ratio

There is a very interesting relation between PHI and Fibonacci Series. i.e. The ratio of successive fibonacci numbers get closer and closer to the number Φ. Or you can say the ratio of successive fibonacci number oscillate around the number 1.618.... or Φ.


1/1 = 1 < Φ 2/1 = 2 > Φ
3/2 = 1.5 < Φ 5/3 = 1.666666666666666666667 > Φ
8/5 = 1.6 < Φ 13/8 = 1.625 > Φ
21/13 = 1.615 and so on < Φ Isn't it amazing?? Wow!!! i felt it quite surprising. Golden Section:

The Golden Section is also known as the Golden Mean, Gold
en Ratio and Divine Proportion. It is a ratio or proportion defined by the number Phi ( = 1.618033988749895... )

It can be derived with a number of geometric constructions, each of which divides a line segment at the unique point where:

the ratio of the whole line (A) to the large segment (B)

is the same as

the ratio of the large segment (B) to the small segment (C).

Sectioning a line to form the Golden Section

In other words, A is to B as B is to C.

This occurs only where A is 1.618 ... times B and B is 1.618 ... times C.

Divide the line again and again in the same way:

This is known as "Golden Ruler"

This appears in the proportions of many life forms.

This ratio has been used by mankind for centuries

It was used in the design of Notre Dame in Paris and continues today in many examples of art, architecture and design.

The Renaissance artists knew it as the Divine Proportion and used it for beauty and balance in the design of art

It also appears in the physical proportions of the human body, movements in the stock market and many other aspects of life and the universe.

The Divine Proportion in the Body

The white line is the body's height.

The blue line, a golden section of the white line, defines the distance from the head to the finger tips

The yellow line, a golden section of the blue line, defines the distance from the head to the navel and the elbows.

The green line, a golden section of the yellow line, defines the distance from the head to the pectorals and inside top of the arms, the width of the shoulders, the length of the forearm and the shin bone.

The magenta line, a golden section of the green line, defines the distance from the head to the base of the skull and the width of the abdomen. The sectioned portions of the magenta line determine the position of the nose and the hairline.

Although not shown, the golden section of the magenta line (also the short section of the green line) defines the width of the head and half the width of the chest and the hips.

There are many interesting relation between PHI and our nature. An endless number of relations. For greater details check out:

Monday, May 14, 2007

..... Good Bye.....

........ Good bye..... good luck...... wish you best of luck for the future...... keep in touch..... these are the words that i hear from my seniors....... time for them to leave the college..... time for them to go to a new place leaving their old amiable friends........ its only just 4 yrs ago that they had joined the college leaving their homes....... had come here making new friends.... getting attached to many of them...... had lived here like a family... and now they have to leave everyone of them.. and have to move ahead in life.... isn't it emotional....... ?? it is....... emotions floating all around in the eyes of everyone.... some crying, some wid the sad faces, some trying to ease out the ambience by cracking some jokes.......

But its really tough not to be emotional in such situations...... You get attached with many and then when u leave them to go to a new place it feels as if you are amputating something out from your body and leaving it out here in the college and don't know whether u will meet them in future or not?? will be in touch forever in life or not??

... Then i wonder how from time to time we face the same emotions and same situations in our life....... first time when we leave our home for the school we kind of feel the same emotions....... then secondly when we leave our home for the college leaving and then now we leave out college for the job or higher studies..... and it goes on in future as well...... how ppl come in our life and how we have to leave them in some time in the future...... it is really difficult :'( to be in any such situation........

Now i am again to face same situation when some of my seniors gonna leave the college tomorrow and then then next year when i am gonna leave this college....... How fast the time moves...... With the we all will become anachronistic in others life........... bidding them Good bye, wishing them Good luck........ :'(

Sunday, May 13, 2007


........ One who fails to plan, plans to fail..... isn't it correct?? How many time you have wondered that you could have done this task better if you would have planned it before hand? And how many times you have wondered that if you would have sticked to your plan you have done more better.......
Some don't even plan and some do plan but fail to keep up to the plan...... I am one of those who fail to stick to the plan? I haven't come across a single person in my life whose everyday is planned and he sticks to that......... is it really that difficult?? Yes, i do think so..... have felt it many a times...
First of all it's very difficult to plan out ur day during the semester because u never know which professor going to surprise you with any assignment, lab work or any project.... and even if you plan you won't be able to stick to it.... and finally u will leave it to the next day...... bcoz u always feel tomorrow is always there to start ..... will start it fresh.....
Don't you?? i have done it many a times...... when i am totally screwed up in keeping up with the assignments and projects i feel chuck all the plan and will follow it from tomorrow.... wake up with new spirit next day but again same story...... it goes on for couple of days.... then i decide better leave it till my exams are over will follow the plan after my insem exams are over ....... exams gets over..... highly excited.... do watch couple of movies and get to bed late...... that means get up late next morning.... and then comes ur abstinence to stick to the plan.... new plans in the brain... will start from tomorrow... there is always a tomorrow waiting..... it goes on till next exam approaches and the same old story until the semester is over.... Finally after everything is over and i am totally free.... decides to make new plan and will follow it sincerely... goes well for couple of days... and then my routine gets aberrant and starts counting on next day for it...... It goes on ever and ever and tomorrow never comes.........


...........Finally i completed reading the novel 'Angels and Demons', which was held in abeyance since last december. Started reading the book in last decemeber but couldn't finish it off bcoz too busy schedule but now when i kind of totally free completed the most awaiting thing i wanted to do. I must appreciated Dan Brown on his way of writing. Had created a great suspense and twist at the end of the story. Had never ever expected that the story will end in this fashion. Now its too abashing when i think that i took almost 5 months to finish reading the book. But now i m starting the new book 'Da-Vinci Code' and i m sure i will finish it within a week......... lets see finally how it turns out.........

Friday, May 11, 2007

Omnipotent and Benevolent........

....... Is God both Omnipotent and Benevolent?? If both is Benevolent and really care for us then why do he keep us in pain and if he really has the power to change our situation why doesn't he do dat?? Isn't it contradicting?????
....... This thought used to nag in my mind every time and i used to think God keep us testing but then i came across one of this example which very well explained how God is both omnipotent and benevolent.....

...... A father who is always caring for his children will let his child go for cycling or skating... even he knows dat it could hurt him only bcoz he wants his child to learn from the experience........ in the same way... God let us make mistakes and learn ourself from our mistakes...... so definitely God is both Omnipotent and Benevolent.... [:)]

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Sem 6.....

......... Finally a long long awaited day has come ........ Was waiting for this day to come..... Life was tough in the last sem......... Had to face many problem..... personal problem, family problem and many more stuff.... and at the end i screwed my whole semester result... though my results are not out but i know i have screwed it up very badly........

...... Have never ever thought even in my wildest dream that i could get screwed up this badly... but don't know how i managed to get screwed up this bad... had done all hard work in all my previous sem to make a CPI of 3.62 but due to bad luck and my bad management of my work.... will be pulling down my CPI to 3.4 or something......... uffff...... God!!!! why it happened it wid me.... Well i know CPI doesn't matters .... but it matters for me for various reasons.... can't tell it here in public...... but yup.. this is true dat they doesn't reflect ur true caliber..

........And all this happened bcoz of SEN course....... SEN(Software Engineering) sucked all my energy throughout the sem........ Had got a group where there were hardly any coders and was kind of all the coding burden was on me...... and then it was kind of new topic for us to work and code.... so it became more worse....... started bunking classes fr SEN..... and started getting screwed up..... At the end what happened was neither my SEN went very go neither my any other course...... now the situation is such dat i may not get a single A in any of the course.... can u imagine that?? till last semester i hardly use to get anything below A and in this sem i m hardly getting an A??? what a great downfall...... roflol........ When i ponder upon the reason for such a great downfall... i am hardly able to find out the reason....... it was just bcoz i was too much disturbed throughout the semester....... actually have never ever studied properly for ne of the sub in this semester..... have went to give many pops without studying....... and then suddenly don't know in the LT when i could have copied from my frnds..... my ethics stopped me to do dat..... at dat time what i thought was dat i m cheating wid myself....... and there is no point in copying..... i will repent later..... but then now when i had not copied...... i feel dat what about those who have copied.... shouldn't they suffer...... and just bcoz i didn't copy i m getting a very low spi..... well but thats not fault of my ethics.... i m proud of that thing in this sem.... atleast my score is reflecting my true knowledge in this semester........

........ Apart from this i got bugged too much due to the family stuff..... why am i so emotional.... why do i get bugged up so much whenever there is a problem at home?? isn't dat bad??? but don't what happens to me...... have cried many a times this semester.... can't even count them now....... well neways i hv to be more tough and strong.... this is what life is all about........ You should move on whatever may be the situation.....

.... now the sem is over..... starting for GRE now.... hope i don't screw my GRE now...... and i know i won't ... gaining back my confidence... this time i m gonna give my everything...... hope to do well....

Thursday, January 4, 2007

Daily Soaps ...... How to avoid?

hmm... so here comes my next post something on Daily soaps....... well Daily soaps they are becoming unbearable these days...... i m always in anguish whenever i see someone watching those daily soaps..... specially those K series........ but then one day when me and saurabh(barjatiya) were sitting in the dentist clinic we came across this article.... suggesting what we can do when our significant other is addicted to the TV, and more or less ignores us......

  • Ask if they didn't watch this same this last month? true .... very true
  • Pretend to be asleep and snore loudly....... dats really annoying... ;)
  • Ask if they would explain what has happened so far? hmm......
  • Change the channel.
  • Ask detailed questions about each character.
  • Ask when lunch/dinner/breakfast is going to be ready.... oh this is very common... i do this many a times.... :D whenever i m at home......
  • Eat a big bag of anything noise...... hehe
  • Shout "Wow!" , "Oh!" and "Ah!" at inappropriate moments....... oh i will surely try this next time...
  • Start practicing your golf swings at the middle of the room
  • Pretend to be asleep and whisper the name of someone you know of the opposite sex...... ;)
  • Pretend to be asleep and whisper the name of someone you know of the same sex...... oh this is too much...... :P
  • Ask who did dat make up fr the players.
  • Call your mother on the portable cell phone while watching TV....... oh this is not for me..... well my mother and sisters do watch these daily soaps so i can't do this....... :(
  • Keep checking the TV guide alternate shows currently on.
  • Play any computer game on your laptop and cheer your score.
  • Meditate loudly.
  • Water the artificial plant on top of the television.
  • Get round to fixing the satelite dish or antenna.
  • Refer to their favorite actor/actress disdainfully.
  • Hide the remote control.
Hmm....... well these ideas really seem to be full proof..... and i m just waiting to try these things out..... ;)..........

Why n how i started blogging?

hmm........ blogging..... was not much aware of all these until the last semester...... but then heard dat many of frnds are blogging these days...... At the first thought i took it as a useless but then with the time i couldn't resist myself to start blogging .......... so i started my blog on 3rd jan 2007 i.e. last night..... and here is my first post.......

.....well from last night i m wondering what to write ......... how to write and many more things... finally made the mind to write on this topic...... well a desire to improve my english also forced me to start blogging...... and u can say blogging is a part of my new year resolution... ;) hope i will be able to keep this resolution......... obviously i need encouragement of all u ppl and my frnds.....

Don't know how i have done writing this first post........... will be waiting fr the feedback of all those ppl who are reading....... will be back wid many more posts....... c ya...